Board Minutes & Financial Statements

Board Meeting Minutes (PDF)

January February March April May
June July August September
January February March April
May July August September
January February March June
July September November December

Revision 1

The meeting was held at Biba’s Restaurant in Hixson TN.
Attending the meeting:
Nancy Thompson
Cindy Wilson
Bob Wilson
Ray Horn
Donna Horn
Rob Mitchell
Steve Poteet
Brenda Terrell

Topics for discussion
1. Election of Officers for 2023
The following candidates were elected at the December 2022 General Meeting:
a. President Bob Wilson
b. Vice President Lana Freeland
c. Secretary Donna Horn
d. Treasurer Rob Mitchell
Also, appointed by the Board:
1. Member at Large Brenda Terrell
2. Member at Large Nancy Thompson
3. Crisis Manager Art VonWerssowetz
4. Web Master Ray Horn
5. Driving Events Steve Poteet

2. Remain a Chapter vs, merge with another TN Chapter:
After a discussion on this subject, the vote was unanimous in favor of
remaining a CAR CLUB, and a Chapter; Choo Choo Bimmers Chapter of the
BMWCCA. As long as we remain compliant with the National requirements,
there is not a current threat. The President is not aware of anyone in the
National office who has his or her sights on us.

3. Roles and Responsibilities:
Further discussion is needed on this subject. Two major responsibilities
need to defined:
a. Editor of our Bimmer Life submissions.
b. Committee to find and book monthly meetings venues.

4. Treasurer’s Report:
A copy of the report was handed out (see below), followed by a discussion
of the budget for 2023. Do to the lack of funds, no charitable donation will
be made in 2023

5. South Atlantic Regional Meetings planned for the BMWCCA:
There are two Regional Meetings planned for the year. Our Chapter will
plan on attending at least one. The first meeting will take place before June
1, 2023. The National Office has reduced the refund benefit for attendance
to just 1 meal. Hotel and travel expenses are no longer covered. The club
expressed an interest of reimbursing Chapter attendees for all or part of
the expenses.

6. Calendar:
In the future, we will project the dates for Driving Events and Monthly
Meetings on a quarterly basis so that we can add them to the National
Events Calendar and notify our members as early as possible.

7. Driving Events:
We are planning Drives are for the spring, summer, and fall. Steve Poteet
will organize, and has asked for a scouting assistant. It was agreed that all
drive dates will have a rain date, with Steve making the call as to the need
to postpone. Potential Drives Locations are:
MontaLuce Winery in Georgia
Corvette Museum in Kentucky
Dayton TN – Screen Door Café
Succotash – Giles TN
Cyra’s Dalton

8. Contact Person for the club:
For all inquiries or questions, the contact Person will be the Club Secretary
9. Roundel Magazine:
The National Office has advised that the number of issues for the year 2023
will be reduced.

10.Bimmer Life Newsletter:
Our input for the above is due By June 2023. The last4 years, we have
submitted photos and text, including two years from the Chattanooga
Motor Car Festival. We will need to come up with something original for
our Chapter this year (could possibly focus on our Drive to the Winery as a
subject (a committee could be formed to generate photos and text).

11.Membership Growth:
Local Dealership support:
As part of an effort to support and increase membership, The Club
secretary will visit the local dealership. She will hand out copies of the new
Dealership Brochure.
The President will obtain more windshield inserts “Nice BMW”, and hand
them out to members at the Monthly meetings.

12. Window Decal:
It was suggested that we create a window Choo Choo Bimmers decal for all
members. The treasurer will look into this and report the cost.
13.Automated Elections:
The National Office has advised that all Chapter will be required to use a
new automated Election software for the year 2024 Dec. 2023 for us). More
details to follow.

14.By Laws Update:
A committee has been formed: Brenda, Ray, Bob, Lana, and Rob. A first
round draft will be circulated by Bob

15.Members car photos and biographies
All Board Members were urged to supply recent photos and biographies
for the Web. Also, it was suggested that a photo-shoot could be done at the
upcoming drive the MontaLuce Winery

16. The January 10, 2023 Chapter Meeting will be held Boccaccia’s Italian
Restaurant , 3077 Broad St, Chattanooga, TN 37408.

Treasurer’s Financial Report year End 2022

Chapter Finances

2014 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2013 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2012 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2011 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2010 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2009 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2008 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2007 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2006 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2005 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2004 Balance Sheet Income Statement
2003 Balance Sheet Income Statement

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